Recent developments in the Cardano blockchain have caused some former criticisms of the network to be put to rest. IO, the primary team responsible for Cardano research and development, has been hard at work on a number of various projects that have seen the blockchain advance technologically. These projects have made the development of decentralized applications easier for developers and easier for the network to be self-sustaining. Apart from this, in recent weeks, an independent development team called dcSpark, has been working on introducing account abstraction to the blockchain and creating new tools such as Wallet OneBox to make creating Cardano wallets an easier task.

The development efforts by dcSpark have been welcomed by the larger blockchain community, prominently including Cardano founder and Input Output (IO) chief Charles Hoskinson. However, some members of the community have drawn comparisons between IO and dcSpark, suggesting that IO would not be around in some years to come.To this, Hoskinson responded by saying, “Glad to be putting in the midnight oil”.

Nico Arqueros, a member of dcSpark, likewise responded to the exchange and suggested that IO would indeed still be around and acknowledged the team’s support from Hoskinson and IO. This sentiment was further echoed by Flint Wallet founder @FlintWallet, who mentioned that the development of open source wallets was a long and arduous task.

It is important to note that IO has long been lauded by the larger blockchain community for its focus on peer-reviewed research, which often slows progress and leads to criticism, but ensures that its projects are reliable and dependable. IO’s most recent network upgrade, which was released in February of 2023, was a testament to its commitment to making Cardano one of the most secure, private, and reliable blockchains.

Now, with dcSpark supporting the development efforts, Cardano looks well on its way to completing its roadmap – Age of Voltaire – and becoming self-sustaining in the process. It is thus no surprise that the blockchain community at large is highly appreciative of the combined efforts of both IO and dcSpark in bringing about the long-term success of the Cardano platform.

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