
Bitcoin’s False Dichotomy between SoV and MoE

In this article, the author argues that Bitcoin serves as both a medium of exchange (MoE) and a store of value (SoV) and that the dichotomy between the two is false. The author explains that a SoV needs to be durable and retain its value, while a MoE needs to be divisible, portable, and fungible. They provide historical examples, such as the use of oxhide ingots and gold coins, to illustrate how assets can function as both a SoV and a MoE. The author also points out that Bitcoin is already being used as a MoE by retailers and highlights the benefits it offers, such as faster and cheaper transactions compared to traditional payment methods. They acknowledge that Bitcoin's volatility can be a challenge but suggest that increased usage as a MoE will help stabilize its price curve. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the flexibility of Bitcoin to meet diverse needs and encourages individuals to decide how they want to use the cryptocurrency.

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