Tomarket, a game on the Telegram platform, faced complaints from players who were banned for alleged cheating during an airdrop event ahead of the TOMA token listing. The development team of Tomarket has now announced that it has reviewed the accounts and reversed many of the bans, allowing the affected players to receive tokens as part of the airdrop. However, no specific number of cleared accounts has been provided. Tomarket had earlier announced the generation of TOMA tokens on The Open Network (TON) and revealed the airdrop allocations to players. The token listing for trading has not yet been scheduled, and details about the total TOMA token supply have not been clarified. The game claims to have garnered over 40 million players since its launch.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-11-04
‘Tomarket’ Telegram Game Reverses Airdrop Ban for ‘Sizable’ Number of Players