Stride Blockchain is aimed to be a part of Cosmos Hub's ATOM Economic Zone, one of the largest and most secure blockchains in the world. The blockchain is designed to focus on liquid staking as well as other inter-blockchain communication. The liquidity in Stride makes up 80% of liquid staking market share while Cosmos Hub holds 11.6 billion ATOM tokens which are considered the “crown jewel” of the Cosmos ecosystem. Solidifying their partnership with Cosmos Hub, Stride is keen to join their Interchain Security (ICS) system, which is marked by two primary goals: economic security and economic alignment.

Since the market capitalization of the blockchain can cause huge fluctuations, Stride wants to ensure it won’t exceed its assets limit and leave room for possible economic attack. Therefore economic security is made one of the crucial points of joining ICS. Additionally, economic alignment to at least the Equilibrium ATOM token is also paramount for Stride. This is because, with new DeFi (Decentralized Finance) systems emerging, the demand for ATOM will be increased and the tokens need to be staked for optimal utilization.

To join ICS, Stride will gain the support of all its validators who will have to agree to transfer from their current validators to the new system. However, the network transitioning process is believed to be fairly simple, modeled after Ethereum's merge. This will include a shift to a model where Stride validators are referred to as governors. As a result, node costs will go to zero and their revenue will reduce by 15%, but the latter would be compensated by increased security.

The proposal for Stride's addition to ICS has already gained approval from Blockworks Research Analyst David Rodriguez. He believes Stride's liquidity will be a major addition to the DeFi sector, ensuring deep liquidity for the Long Short Token (LST) issuance. At the same time, it will grant security from the powerful hub, beneficial to all the related investors, users, and validators.

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