Cryptocurrency markets have made great strides in recent years, transitioning from a niche asset class to one that is garnering more attention than ever before. One such indicator is the pseudonymous crypto analyst known as Credible Crypto, who has declared Convex Finance (CVX) to be one of his highest conviction plays. CVX represents a DeFi platform designed to provide incentives and rewards to users locking their stablecoins on Curve Finance, an exchange aiming to capitalize on a booming industry.

Credible Crypto is using his own experience as an example of what CVX can do for its users. In his words, he bought CVX at $5 and after one year of locking, he had earned over $7 per vlCVX which works out to an APR of over 100%, allowing him to make up the entire initial investment. He goes on to mention that CVX soared to 12x of the initial purchase price before the markets crashed and believes it can get back to triple digits. The analyst also points to a low available supply to back up his confidence, as nearly 80% of all CVX in existence is locked in four-month increments.

On top of this, Credible Crypto expects the crypto markets as a whole to climb in the coming months, with a latest target of the end of 2023 for a market cycle peak. This prediction is supported by funding being largely flat, which gives him a reason to be disbullief. As more investors start to recognize the value of cryptocurrency, adoption could well continue to soar, making Credible Crypto's prediction a very real possibility.

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