Cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the way we transact and manage finances. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, indicated that this goal could be attained within the next 10 years, as he believes that the number of cryptocurrency users could reach up to 3 billion. Armstrong thinks that, comparable to the rate at which people began using the internet, 2 - 3 billion people could be using cryptocurrency in a decade if the current growth rate continues. He has further pointed out the significance of Layer 2 scalability and legislative certainty for marketplace adoption and recognizing cryptocurrencies as legitimate financial instruments.

In addition, Armstrong believes that with an increase in usability, millions more could begin utilizing cryptocurrency as an alternative to cash. This is something that Coinbase is trying to push forward with its infrastructure and services to make it easier for individuals to use cryptocurrencies in day-to-day life. Given that today, 200 to 300 million people have already used cryptocurrency in the same decade, it is realistic to envision that the goal of 3 billion users is achievable.

In essence, cryptocurrency has the potential to bring substantial changes to the global financial industry in the next decade. With increasing numbers of people and organizations getting acquainted with and utilizing blockchain-based technology, the growth potential of cryptocurrency shouldn't be underestimated. Of course, before one comes to any kind of investment decision, it is important to do your own research.

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