The Cardano blockchain is undergoing a major upgrade known as the Chang Hard Fork, which aims to enhance network functionality and decentralized governance. The first phase of the Chang Hard Fork, called Chang 1, has already been activated, bringing improvements such as empowering the Interim Constitutional Committee. The second phase, Chang 2, is expected to kick off in November 2024 and will require five governance actions to be enacted on-chain. This phase will mark a pivotal shift for Cardano's governance and will bring advancements such as Delegate Representative (DRep) Voting, SPO (Stake Pool Operator) voting, community-proposed governance actions, and a treasury withdrawal system. These updates aim to strengthen the community's voice and promote the long-term growth of the Cardano network.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-10-29
Five Things to Expect in Cardano's Upcoming Chang 2 Upgrade