The digital asset exchange platform eToro recently announced their partnership with Twitter, to bring Bitcoin Investing to the platform. This lets users view real-time prices of a range of assets, including Bitcoin. Etoro's goal with this partnership is to enable people to take control of their financial future with increased engagement to financial knowledge and education. With over 420 million searches for $Cashtags since the start of this year, Bitcoin has been one of the most searched assets.

In an interview with a spokesperson for eToro, they commented on the vision and goal behind this partnership, saying that they want to help individuals to make more informed decisions with the help of the various financial resources available. They further stated that they seek to introduce investors to different tactics to diversify their portfolios. With regards to Twitter, they emphasized the key role it plays in the retail investing community, noting that it is where hundreds of millions of people come to access financial news, share knowledge and have conversations with peers.

When asked about further development with Twitter, eToro's spokesperson shared that their focus for the short term is to make the $Cashtags partnership a success. They are also looking for more innovative ways to bring in educational resources concerning Bitcoin and other financial assets. Echoing the same sentiment, they reiterated that Twitter has become a great space for conversations, making it a perfect fit for eToro and the future of social investing.

Through this partnership, eToro and Twitter aim to provide users with information and resources to make smarter decisions in the increasingly digital world of finance. With easy access to real time prices and resources to further educate themselves, users can rest assured that investments will become more simple and secure.

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