Aptos (APT), the high performance Layer 1 blockchain protocol has launched one of its most anticipated features which is called delegated staking. It is user friendly and makes the service much more accessible for users, who can delegate their APT and earn various rewards without assuming any of the strain of operating node. In the world of Staking, this is a big deal, since there have been some regulatory contentions around the locking of tokens in devoted smart contracts.

Aptos is a relatively new protocol, but in the short time since its launch, it has gained immense popularity and its token's value certainly increased when it got a tweet from Elon Musk. Additionally, some important actions have been taken by the company as well, such as the launch of its Lava Testnet and NFT Wormhole Bridge, to make the platform more innovative and accessible.

Similarly, the Delegated Staking feature is a great step taken by Aptos in the right direction to make their network more accessible. This feature is of particular interest to all the stakeholders involved in the network. This is because a user can delegate APT without actively taking part in the running of a node and still earn rewards.

To summarise, Aptos has taken a fantastic step by launching Delegated Staking; which provides several advantages to all the stakeholders in the ecosystem. This includes encouragement of self-custody and flexibility, as the user can earn rewards by delegating their tokens to a trusted validator instead of actively running nodes. Also, with increased accessibility and innovation, Aptos looks set for a bright future.

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