Cardano's Hydra has been a much-awaited feature for its community. It has finally gone live on the mainnet and is expected to increase the computational power of the network. There are high hopes that Hydra will help Cardano (ADA) to surpass other existing Proof-of-Stake blockchains in terms of performance. However, Cardano Foundation's Tech Director has urged the community not to spread false information by labeling Hydra as able to process 1 million transactions per second. He has requested the community to refer to the official performance stats released by Input Output Global, Cardano Foundation, and the Hydra team itself. Hydra's version 0.11.0 is already in the works and developer Sebastian Nagel explains that its isomorphic architecture should bring robust capabilities while having a familiar interface that users can rely on. Thus, the activation of the first-ever mainnet-compatible Hydra node is a milestone event for the Cardano community. With Hydra, the long-term goal is for it to be able to process 2 million transactions per second. This will shape Cardano's future significantly and the Crypto space stands at the edge of their seat to witness what the technology brings to the table.

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