The cryptocurrency community has been thrown into a frenzy after the Intercontinental Exchange's crypto business arm, Bakkt, delisted Stellar Lumens (XLM) and other tokens from its exchange. This move was part of Bakkt's regular coin listing review process and was driven by regulatory guidance as well as industry developments. As a result, the Ripple and XRP community, with some members speculating that this may be an orchestrated attempt by the U.S. regulators to spread fear and confusion.

AshleyPROSPER, an XRP enthusiast, took to Twitter to infer suspicions about Bakkt's decision to delist XLM and reference the missing MIT Blockchain & Money lecture taught by Gary Gensler, the current Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Gensler had contacted the MIT authorities and requested the lecture, which stated that most cryptocurrencies were not securities, to be removed.

A popular pro-XRP attorney John Deaton has also recently commented on the SEC's dealings with Ripple Labs, claiming that the agency has deliberately withheld documents and emails to their own advantage, effectively denying Ripple Labs a chance to successfully defend themselves against accusations.

There is still a lack of clarity on the finer details of the delisting, and whether it was a result of general industry trends or driven by more regulatory issues. Until regulators give some more insight in to the decision, the Ripple and XRP community is unlikely to drop the matter.

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