Prysmatic Labs, the developer of the Ethereum client known as Prysm, has released v4.0.3-hotfix upgrade to optimize network performance. Developed to improve usability, security, and dependability of the Ethereum consensus layer, the popular Ethereum client is used to verify transactions by more than 42% of verification nodes. The upgrade is designed to prevent beacon node from high resource usage during turbulent times, and carries a range of important fixes.

In addition to the upgrade, SlowMist and Prysmatic Labs have conducted a security assessment for Prysm. Its goal is to secure project and its users, as well as make sure make suggestions to the Prysmatic Labs to improve security vulnerabilities when they are discovered. During the audit SlowMist found two low-risk vulnerabilities and one advisory vulnerability, which were immediately fixed with the help of the team.

The hotfix version of Prysm offers valuable features to its users, including the chance to participate in the decentralized economy of Ethereum. To do that, they will need to both operate a node and stake 32 ETH in the form of a validator. If users need more information on that matter, they can look into the Nodes and networks explanation. It will provide them with more details on how exactly the system works.

Overall, the latest version of Prysm promises improved network performance, more secure environment, and better user experience. Each of those advantages is an essential part of the digital economy, which is why the upgrade is highly recommended for anyone using the client. With the help of safety measures taken during the audit and the hotfix upgrade, one can be confident in secure participation in Etherium’s decentralized economy.

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