Do Kwon and Han Chang-joon, the co-founders of the now defunct crypto firm Terra Labs, were recently apprehended by Interpol in Montenegro due to a fake passport made by a person who reportedly did a "horrible job". Upon arrest, authorities realized they had the two most wanted criminals. The incident highlights the importance of detailed identity verification when it comes to any suspicious activity.

The details of the incident were released in an interview with Haris Sabotic, the Montenegro prosecutor to a crypto analytic platform DLNews. In the interview, Šabotić revealed that the trigger for the arrest of these two men was not the Interpol Red Notice, but a border guard’s suspicions over the legitimacy of Kwon and Han’s passports. The Head of the State Prosecution Office, Dusko Milanovic added in the interview that the passports were suspicious and that was the alarm for the police, leading to their subsequent apprehension.

This incident draws light upon how meticulous an identity verification process must be when chasing down any kind of suspect activity. It also reveals how grave consequences a seemingly faulty process like making fake passports can lead to. Such an unprecedented incident was met with praise from the crypto analyst community for the individual responsible for the sloppy job of making Do Kwon's passport.

Verifying identity is an incredibly important component when looking out for possible suspicious activities, both in the crypto industry and beyond. The incident with Do Kwon and Han Chang-joon speaks to the importance of such measures, and the catastrophic implications of any negligence in the process.

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