Cryptocurrency heavyweight, renowned economist, and crypto analyst Alex Krüger recently pointed out that Bitcoin (BTC) has changed from being an asset that could make investors rich to one whose primary function is to preserve wealth and store value. This marks a significant difference from when Bitcoin first entered the market over a decade ago, during which time it demonstrated emphatic price volatility. Thus, while a return of up to 10x is still possible, Krüger reckons those looking to get rich on BTC may be in for a disappointment.

Despite this, Krüger firmly believes that the landscape of Bitcoin (BTC) is screaming bullish reversal. He listed 8 reasons that back his confidence, ranging from longer-term indicators shifting into positive territory to a pocket of air above the resistance line. Of these indicators, the chart posted as part of Krüger's tweet detailed an extended consolidation period, as well as a bounce off the 200-day moving average.

The appearance of these signs have enabled Krüger to manifest his bullish prediction of Bitcoin achieving a price of around the $150,000 mark when the next bull run reaches its peak. While this valuation is still one steeped in speculation, Krüger remains appreciably bullish in his outlook.

At press time, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at a price of $28,307 per coin and despite the impressive gains experienced over the past year, Krüger's statement appears to be a timely reminder for investors to temper their expectations with regards to the value of BTC in years to come. While it is true that a return of up to 10x is more than possible, it is clear to see that times have changed and those wishing to enter and capitalize on the cryptocurrency space may need to readjust their targets.

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