The traditional banking system is facing a new challenge in light of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Depositors are now looking for different options for their money as there is a risk of hyper-speed bank runs and payment lags. Alliance Bernstein, a financial giant with $800 billion in assets under management, suggests Bitcoin (BTC) and crypto as alternative options to the banking system and claims that the "future of banking has no banks."

The report mentions that smart contract-based decentralized finance systems and blockchain-based DIY risk vaults will provide users with customized and real-time banking services that offer greater financial independence. The biggest obstacle to widespread crypto adoption however is its price volatility, which can conflict with a customer's desire for stability in terms of USD value. In this regard, the report hypothesizes that another pivotal moment in the monetary history may occur if the Fed again breaches the ‘real value’ of the US currency, leading to ‘hyper-bitcoinization.’

Given the growing interest in cryptocurrencies as a financial instrument, it is important to understand the potential benefits and risks of Bitcoin and other cryptos as an alternative to traditional banking services. Bitcoin and other cryptos can offer greater control for users over their finances as well as faster transaction processing and lags, however, volatility of the asset needs to be given due consideration. It is clear that with banks currently facing immense pressure, the role of Bitcoin and cryptos as an alternative financial service provider is gaining more recognition.

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