Ethereum developers are in the process of preparing for their next upgrade, Deneb, or "Cancun-Deneb," which will implement important new changes to the execution and consensus layers, primarily focusing on scaling and cost reduction. Subsequent to the success of the Shapella upgrade, the core team is devising solutions like EIP 4844, colloquially known as "proto-danksharding," to further augment scalability. There has been considerable development on EIPs 4788 and 6987 for Deneb, that would be used for trustless verification of proofs of CL state on EL, however the completed code changes are yet to be tested. PR 3175, currently being formatted into an EIP, will prevent slashed validators from being proposed as block proposers. Details regarding the timing of the upgrade are still pending and a rough estimation puts it in the Q3 timeframe.

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