Jack Dorsey's crypto firm TBD has joined forces with co-founder of Paxful, Ray Youssef, to launch a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) trading platform, named as Civilization Kit (Civ Kit). This project was recently announced with a white paper. Following the news of the closure of Youssef's P2P bitcoin marketplace, Paxful, due to regulatory pressure and internal disputes, the launch of this venture becomes a potential solution for customers seeking decentralized, non-custodial bitcoin marketplaces.

Civ Kit has been labeled by Youssef himself as "the next evolution of Bitcoin" and will be built on Nostr, a decentralized network protocol for distributed and free social networking systems. It is believed that the decentralized identity tech developed by TBD company will form an important part of the project. The main purpose of Civ Kit is to create an extensive network of decentralized bitcoin marketplaces which could reach thousands of plug-and-play sites all over the world.

Paxful, which was established in 2015, was a P2P crypto trading platform which enabled users to buy and sell Bitcoin instantly using different forms of currency such as cash, gift cards, mobile money and more. Since Youssef and his Paxful business partner had a dispute in January, Paxful was compelled to shut down operations unceremoniously.

After Paxful has encouraged its users to move their funds to non-custodial wallets or other platforms such as the newly-created Noones P2P bitcoin marketplace, Civ Kit was established to provide an even better service than previous platforms. The same features as Noones, such as wallet, listing system, marketplace and escrow, will be offered by Civ Kit, plus it will allow anyone to build their own decentralized Bitcoin-based marketplace powered by the Civ Kit environment. Youssef is dreamy optimistic about the success of the project, stating that he would love to see thousands of marketplaces running around the world.

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