VeChain, the well-known blockchain company, has recently rolled out its Web3-as-a-Service platform, VORJ. This purpose of this platform is to allow users to develop and manage their digitalassets without having to rely on third-party intermediaries.

VORJ operates in connection with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and is compatible with VeChainThor blockchain. This compatibility ensures security and reduced transaction fees for users of the VeChainThor platform. Additionally, with the VORJ platform users do not have to be concerned about transaction fees as the system automatically handles this for them.

One of the key features of VORJ is its user-friendly interface. The platform provides a no-code solution and eliminates the need for users to understand solidity code. Therefore, users with no prior web 3 experience will be able to use VORJ. The platform also offers an Application Programmable Interface (API) that allows users to customize their token standard and avoid the tedious task of monitoring fees and transaction costs.

Furthermore, in a bid to make the use of cryptocurrencies more accessible and affordable, the VeChain network has recently announced that users of its VeWorld online wallet do not need to pay transaction fees while sending and receiving cryptocurrencies.

All in all, the VeChain network's most recent developments serve to bring cryptocurrency use closer to mass adoption. With the newly launched VORJ platform and the elimination of transaction fees, VeChain is leading the way and showing the world how accessible and easy-to-use cryptocurrencies and smart contracts can be.

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