With the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) growing at an unprecedented pace, there have been debates over its potential implications and effects on our daily lives. Google CEO Sundar Pichai believes the conversations about A.I.'s implications are heading in a positive direction and advises that it is vital to develop AI aligned to human values. Google and Microsoft have heavily invested billions of dollars into research and development of A.I. products, such as Google's BERT and Microsoft's Bing. While these projects are potentially beneficial to our daily lives, they also present an unprecedented threat.

Dr. Marek Suchenek, Professor of Computer Science at Cal State Dominguez Hills, believes that although historical new technologies do eliminate certain jobs, they often create higher-paying and more appealing opportunities. Suchenek also highlights the importance of understanding the potential consequences of AI and its risk of misuse to gain economic or political gain. He emphasizes the fact that AI is unlikely to surpass humanity's collective intelligence and that caution needs to be taken.

Google and Microsoft have put in great effort to make A.I. accessible and available to the masses, however the risks remain a concerning aspect. A negative implication of Google and Microsoft's A.I. race resulted in Google's stock price taking a hit when The New York Times reported Samsung's potential of using Microsoft's Bing as the default search engine rather than Google.

Fast-paced technology advancements have often left society slightly behind and unable to keep up with its implications. Pichai's suggestion of involving social scientists, ethicists, philosophers, etc. in the development process is a crucial step in ensuring that the tech giants actively adhere to human values. Although the risk of misuse of AI is still present, he remains optimistic and emphasizes the need for more dialogue on this topic.

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