Donald Trump has been working on his Web3 ambitions and recently announced the launch of Series 2 of his famous non-fungible token collection named Trump Digital Trading Cards. This is an extension to the initial collection which was released in December 2022 and it includes 2,000 additional tokens bringing the total in this series to 47,000. Trump made the announcement through his social network site Truth Social.

The NFTs are minted on Polygon. They have a floor price of $99, however the traits and features of these tokens are not the same as those of the original collection. Token collectors can earn a few exclusive rewards if they purchase multiple tokens. For instance, if they purchase forty-seven tokens, they can claim a dinner with the 45th president at Mar-a-Lago resort, while buying a hundred tokens can give them a unique Trump-themed artwork.

The release of Series 2 caused the value of the original collection to plummet in the OpenSea secondary market, from nearly $840 to $420. Trump made considerable profits from the first series, earning between $500,000 and $1 million as reported by the U. S. Office of Government Ethics. The prices of the tokens surged again when news of his arrest broke out in April.

Trump's NFT range has certainly gained immense popularity and collectors eagerly await what surprises he has in store in the years ahead. The impressive rewards and the variety of tokens, may entice many people to invest in the Trump Digital Trading Cards.

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