
Here are Cardano Addresses in Profit Despite Price Consolidation

Here are Cardano Addresses in Profit Despite Price Consolidation
Despite ongoing price consolidation and market turbulence, a significant number of Cardano (ADA) addresses are still profitable on their investments. Data shows that 61.63% of ADA wallets, totaling 2.71 million addresses, are in profits. However, 34.28% of addresses (1.51 million) bought ADA at a higher price and are currently experiencing losses due to the price collapse. In order for ADA to recover and improve its profitability ratio, it would need to breach resistance levels at $0.9972 and $1.0321. Analysts believe there is potential for ADA to surge by 180% to reach around $2.77. At present, Cardano is trading at $0.9135, down 2.26% on the day.

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