
DeFi landscape ends 2024 with 2.5X growth, Ethereum (ETH) shrinks its dominance

DeFi landscape ends 2024 with 2.5X growth, Ethereum (ETH) shrinks its dominance
The DeFi landscape has undergone changes in recent years, with Ethereum remaining the leader in nominal value locked, but its market share decreasing. Other chains such as BNB, Solana, Bitcoin-based DeFi, TRON, and minor chains have emerged and gained market share. Ethereum still holds a significant amount of value locked, primarily due to being used as collateral. Ethereum-based DeFi is expected to remain strong, especially if there is an ETH rally. The growth of Ethereum-based DeFi is also attributed to the influx of ERC-20 USDT tokens. Overall, the DeFi sector seems safe, and there are opportunities for high-paying Web3 jobs.

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