This article discusses the origins and development of Telegram's crypto network, known as the TON blockchain. In 2018, Telegram launched the blockchain along with the GRAM token through an ICO. However, the project faced obstacles when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) detected it as an unregistered "security." The Durov brothers, founders of Telegram, were forced to exit the project and return the funds raised from the ICO. Despite this setback, Telegram continued to develop the blockchain network, which was eventually decentralized and renamed TON. The TON blockchain features advanced characteristics such as dynamic sharding and instant routing mechanisms, as well as a Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus mechanism and Proof of Stake. It is also seamlessly integrated with the Telegram messaging app, allowing users to send and receive Toncoin and make payments. The network has gained traction through marketing initiatives, partnerships such as the integration of USDT stablecoin, and the introduction of play-to-earn games. It has become one of the most promising chains in the crypto landscape with the potential for mass adoption.
Content Editor ( )
- 2024-11-09
TON blockchain: the hidden story of Telegram's crypto network