Occupancy rate is a metric used to determine the proportion or amount of physical space that is currently being used for the purpose it was intended. It is a measure of occupancy and is commonly used in real estate - particularly in assessing hotels and resorts - as well as commercial and residential buildings, hospital beds, and whole cities. The rate is calculated by dividing the total usable rental space by the amount of rental space that is actually occupied.

The most common use for occupancy rate is to assess commercial or residential properties. Calculating occupancy rate for a property provides information about the availability and demand for it. This is important in evaluating the potential success of a property, both in terms of immediate income and long-term financial stability. For example, a property with a low occupancy rate may be difficult to rent and may require significant improvements to make it attractive to potential tenants. Similarly, a property with a high occupancy rate may demonstrate market demand, indicating the potential for further investment and growth.

Occupancy rate can also be used to evaluate the success of hotels and resorts. As the popularity of travel and tourism continues to grow, understanding occupancy rate at different hotels, resorts, and attractions has become increasingly important. Calculating occupancy rate of properties gives insight into the type of guests they are attracting, the length of their stays, and how they rate overall.

Investors use occupancy rate as an indicator of the overall health of a real estate market, often comparing the rate of a particular property to the overall health of the region. The occupancy rate is also an important tool when assessing risk of investment. A property with an occupancy rate significantly lower than the surrounding area may be at risk of becoming obsolete or unprofitable if it can't attract tenants.

In addition to its commercial applications, occupancy rate can also be used as a measure of population density or urban growth. Analysts can compare the numbers of residents or workers in a city to the corresponding office or housing space to measure the utilization of physical space within the city. Such measurements can provide insight into the overall health of an economy and can help inform broader policy decisions.

Overall, occupancy rate has become a key metric for assessing real estate markets and other population-related trends. It provides information about both immediate rental availability and longer-term investment potential and can be used to measure the utilization of physical space on a wide variety of scales.