Owner financing, or “creative financing” or “seller financing,” is a financial arrangement between a home buyer and the seller of a real estate property, where the buyer obtains partial or full financing from the seller instead of from a traditional lender such as a bank. This type of financing is popular because it offers potential buyers the chance to secure financing for a property when traditional lenders are not offering assistance, and because it can provide the seller with extra income.

In owner financing arrangements, the seller is taking on the role of the lender and is basically giving the buyer a loan. Therefore, the seller assumes the risk of the buyer not making the payments. The buyer and seller will agree on a purchase price, a repayment plan and an interest rate, which should be disclosed in the property advertising. This interest rate can be higher than traditional market rates, and is often negotiable between buyer and seller.

Owner financing can be beneficial for the seller, since it can mean that the property sells faster in a slow real estate market. Without the risk of a buyer defaulting on a loan, the seller can move property more quickly. They also benefit from interest payments, which can add additional income to the sale.

For a buyer, owner financing can be a useful option in a tight real estate market. It can allow a buyer to secure financing for a property when traditional lenders are not offering assistance. It can also allow a buyer to agree on a repayment plan and an interest rate that they feel comfortable with.

In short, owner financing is an alternative financial arrangement that can offer benefits to both buyers and sellers, especially in a slow real estate market. It allows buyers to secure financing when traditional lenders are not offering assistance, and provides the seller with additional income.