Overvalued stocks can arise due to many factors including a stock's current popularity, or from a fear of missing out on a potential opportunity. Investors need to be careful because buying overvalued stocks can be extremely risky; not only can you lose your investment, but it can also potentially cause you to pay more for the asset than it is worth.

For the average investor, it is difficult to determine whether a stock is overvalued or not. However, there are some signs to look out for that indicate that a stock may be overvalued. These signs include: a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio that is significantly higher than that of its peers; a higher price-to-sales (P/S) ratio than what is considered normal; and a low dividend yield.

When stocks become overvalued, it often indicates that investors are placing too much emphasis on the current prospects of a company, rather than its long-term outlook. This can lead to more volatility in the stock price and sudden, sharp drops. Additionally, if the company in question does not follow through on its potential then investors could potentially suffer huge losses.

Ultimately, investors should take special care to avoid overvalued stocks. As a general rule, if a stock’s market value is significantly higher than its intrinsic value then it is likely to be overvalued. Stocks that have experienced a significant rally in recent months should also be viewed cautiously. The best way to avoid overvalued stocks is to perform adequate research, using both financial statements and technical analysis to assess the true value of a stock. Investing in undervalued stocks – those whose market price does not reflect their true worth - also provides investors with the opportunity for potentially greater returns.