
What is Obamanomics?

Obelisk Consensus Algorithm

Obelisk: A Blockchain Consensus Algorithm Explained

Objective Probability

Objectivity Probability: An Essential Data-Driven Tool for Making Decisions


Understanding Obligations in Financial Life

Obligatory Reinsurance

Obligatory Reinsurance: Reducing Risk and Ensuring Financial Stability


Obligor: Understanding Your Responsibilities

Obsolescence Risk

Managing Obsolescence Risk: Understanding the Impact and How to Mitigate it

Obsolete Inventory

Dealing with Obsolete Inventory

Occupancy Rate

What is the Occupancy Rate?

Occupational Labor Mobility

Understanding Occupational Labor Mobility

Occupational Safety And Health Act

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

Occurrence Policy

Exploring Occurrence Policies for Liability Protection

Ocean Bills of Lading

Understanding the Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L)

October Effect

Investing in the October Effect: Is it more than a Market Anomaly?

Odd Lot

What Are Odd Lots in the Stock Market?

Odd Lot Theory

The Odd Lot Theory - Analysis of an Investment Strategy

Odious Debt

What is Odious Debt and its Impact?


Trading OEX Options on the CBOE

Off-Balance Sheet (OBS)

Off-Balance Sheet Items: Benefits, Risks and Regulation

Off-Balance Sheet Financing (OBSF)

What is Off-Balance Sheet Financing?

Off-Chain Transactions (Cryptocurrency)

Off-Chain Transactions in Cryptocurrency Networks

Off-the-Run Treasuries

Understanding Off-the-Run Treasuries

Offensive Competitive Strategy

An Overview of Offensive Competitive Strategy


Make Successful Trading Offers

Offer in Compromise

Offer In Compromise - How To Settle An IRS Tax Debt For Less


Start a Successful Offering | Invest Wisely

Offering Circular

Offering Circular - An Essential Regulatory Disclosure Document

Offering Memorandum

Offering Memorandum: An Essential Document for Private Placement Investors

Offering Price

What is an offering price?

Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)

What is the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)?

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

OSFI: The Financial Safety Monitor of the Canadian Economy

Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)

The Office of Thrift Supervision

Official Settlement Account

Official Settlement Accounts: The Financial Engine of a Country’s Economy

Official Strike

Declaring an Official Strike: How It Works and the Protections Afforded By the NLRA

Offline Debit Card

Offline Debit Cards- A Secure and Convenient Way of Making Purchases


Offsetting – ATool to Reduce Risks in Stock, Futures, and Derivatives Markets

Offset Mortgage

Offset Mortgage: An Overview

Offsetting Transaction

Offsetting Transactions: Definition, Benefits, and Risks


What is Offshore Activity & What Are the Risks?

Offshore Banking Unit (OBU)

Benefits of Offshore Banking

Offshore Mutual Fund

What is an Offshore Mutual Fund?

Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategy (OPIS)

Offshore Portfolio Investment Strategies: An Investigation

Offtake Agreement

What is an Offtake Agreement?

OHLC Chart

nderstand OHLC Charts and How They Are Used


Investing in Oil ETFs - An Efficient and Low-Cost Way to Take Advantage of the Energy Sector

Oil Field

Discovering and Developing Oil Fields 

Oil Initially In Place (OIIP)

Oil Initially In Place (OIIP) in Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Oil Pollution Act of 1990

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 - Environmental Legislation for the Prevention and Cleanup of Spills

Oil Price to Natural Gas Ratio

The Oil Price to Natural Gas Ratio Explained

Oil Refinery

Understanding the Refining Process of Crude Oil

Oil Reserves

Oil Reserves: Everything You Need to Know

Oil Sands

Canada's Abundant Oil Sands: Extracting and Its Pros and Cons

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Program

The Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program Explained

Old Economy

The Old Economy and Climate Change

Old Lady

The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street: Symbol of Stability and Resilience


The Impact of Oligopolies on an Economy


The Impact of Oligopsony on Market Prices


hat is Omega in Options Trading?

Omnibus Account

What is an Omnibus Account?

Oman Rial (OMR)

What You Need to Know About the Omani Rial

On Account

On Account: A Financial Term Explained

On-Balance Volume (OBV)

What Is On-Balance Volume (OBV)?

On-Chain Governance

What is On-Chain Governance and How Does it Work?

On-the-Run Treasury

On-the-Run Treasuries: A Safe Haven Investment

On-the-Run Treasury Yield Curve

Understanding the On-the-Run Treasury Yield Curve

On-Us Item

On-Us Items: Benefits for Businesses and Customers

One Bank Holding Company

One Bank Holding Companies - Understanding Their Value

One Belt One Road (OBOR)

One Belt One Road: An Initiative for Global Cooperation

One-Cancels-the-Other Order (OCO)

What is a One-Cancels-the-Other Order (OCO)?

One-Child Policy

The Chinese One-Child Policy: Effects, Outcomes and its Future

One Night Stand Investment

What is a One Night Stand Investment?

One Percent Rule

The One Percent Rule: An Important Tool for Real Estate Investors

One-Stop Shop

Benefits of a One-Stop Shop Strategy

One-Tailed Test

What is a One-Tailed Test in Statistics?

One-Third Rule

The One-Third Rule: A Guide to Measuring the Impact of Capital Inputs on Labor Productivity

One-Time Charge

What are One-Time Charges and Why is Understanding Them Important?

One-Time Item

hat are One-Time Items on a Company’s Income Statement

One-Touch Option

One-Touch Options - What Are They & How Do They Work?


OneCoin Ponzi Scheme Leaves Thousands in Financial Losses

Onerous Contract

Understanding and Reporting Onerous Contracts

Online Banking

Online Banking – Benefits, Security and Increasing Use

Online Shoplifting

Online Shoplifting - An Increasing Digital Age Problem

Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)

Ontario Securities Commission: Protecting and Preserving Investor Confidence

Opaque Pricing

Opaque Pricing - Benefits for Customers and Retailers


Operating Company (Opco) and an Opco/Propco Deal

Operating Company/Property Company Deal (OPCO or PROPCO)

An Overview of OPCO/PROPCO Deals

OPEC Basket

Leveraging the OPEC Basket for Price Stability


What is Open Source?

Open Architecture

The Benefits of Open Architecture in Finance

Open Banking

Open Banking – Improving Banking Technology and Customer Experience

Open Cover

What is Open Cover?

Open-End Credit

Open-End Credit: What it is & How to Use it Responsibly

Open-End Fund

What Is An Open-End Fund & How Can It Benefit Investors?

Open-End Lease

Understanding an Open-End Lease

Open-End Management Company

Open-end Management Companies – A Great Investment Option

Open-End Mortgage

Advantages of Open-end Mortgages for Homebuyers

Open Ended Investment Company (OEIC)

Investing in Open-ended Investment Companies (OEICs)

Open House

Open Houses: An Effective Way to Create Interest in a Home

Open Interest

What Is Open Interest in Futures and Options Markets

Open Kimono

Open Kimono: A Risk Management Tool For Companies

Open Listing

What is an Open Listing in Real Estate?

Open Loop Card

Open Loop Cards: Credit, Debit, Gift, and Prepaid

Open Market

Benefits of Open Markets

Open Market Operations

Open Market Operations - An Essential Tool Used By The Federal Reserve System

Open-Market Rate

Open-Market Rate: What it is and Its Benefits

Open-Market Transaction

Open-Market Transactions: Benefits and Regulations

Open Mouth Operations

Open Mouth Operations - A Tool for Central Banks

Open Offer

Open Offers: Exploring the Benefits Of Public Invitations To Purchase Securities

Open Order

Open Orders in Stock Trading

Open Outcry

The Decline of Open Outcry Trading

Open Position

Understanding Open Positions in the Financial Markets

Open Source

Benefits of Using Open Source Software

Open Trade Equity (OTE)

Understanding Open Trade Equity (OTE)

Opening Bell

The Significance and Power of the Stock Market's Opening Bell

Opening Cross

Benefits of the Opening Cross in the Stock Market

Opening Imbalance Only Order (OIO)

What is an Opening Imbalance Only Order (OIO)?

Opening Price

Understanding Opening Prices for Day Trading Strategies

Opening Range

What is the Opening Range in Trading?

Operating Activities

Understanding the Importance of Tracking Operating Activities

Operating Cash Flow (OCF)

Operating Cash Flow: A Guide to Understanding OCF

Operating Cash Flow Demand (OCFD)

Maximize return on investments with Operating Cash Flow Demand (OCFD)

Operating Cash Flow Margin

What is Operating Cash Flow Margin?

Operating Cash Flow Ratio

Operating Cash Flow Ratio – Understanding the Financial Performance of a Company

Operating Cost

Analyzing and Monitoring Operating Costs for Businesses

Operating Earnings

Operating Earnings: An Important Measure of Financial Performance

Operating Expense

Operating Expenses: Everything You Need To Know

Operating Expense Ratio

Operating Expense Ratio (OER) – How To Evaluate The Performance Of A Property

Operating Income

Operating Income: A Key Measure of Financial Performance

Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization (OIBDA)

OIBDA: Examining a Company’s Profitability

Operating Lease

Understand Benefits of Operating Leases

Operating Leverage

Leveraging Operating Costs to Estimate Break-even Point

Operating Loss (OL)

Operating Margin

What is Operating Margin and Why Is It Important?

Operating Profit

hat is Operating Profit and How to Increase it?

Operating Ratio (OPEX)

Understanding Operating Ratio and its Limitations

Operating Revenue

What is Operating Revenue and How Does it Impact Company Performance?

Operation Twist

What Is Operation Twist and How Does It Stimulate Economic Growth?

Operational Efficiency

What is Operational Efficiency?

Operational Risk

Managing Operational Risk for Business Sustainability

Operational Target

The Role of Operating Targets In Monetary Policy

Operations Management

Operations Management: Key Concepts and Strategies

Opportunity Cost

What is Opportunity Cost and What it Means in Decision-making

Oprah Effect

The Oprah Effect - Exploring the Phenomenon of Increased Sales and Awareness

Optimal Capital Structure

Optimal Capital Structure: How to Maximize Value and Return

Optimal Currency Area

What is an Optimal Currency Area?


Optimization for Modern Investors: Reducing Risk and Increasing Returns

Optimized Portfolio As Listed Securities (OPALS)

Diversify Your Investment Portfolio with the OPALS Strategy

Optimum Currency Area (OCA) Theory

Optimum Currency Area (OCA) Theory Explained

Option Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (Option ARM)

An Overview of Option ARM Mortgages

Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS)

AS: Measuring Total Bond Return and Risk Analysis

Option Agreement

What is an Option Agreement?

Option Chain

What Is an Option Chain?

Option Class

Understanding Option Classes and Series

Option Cycle

What is an Option Cycle?

Option Disclosure Document

Investing in Options - Understanding the Risks and Rewards

Option Margin

Option Margins: Understand Your Broker’s Requirements

Option Pool

Using an Option Pool to Secure Talent and Grow Your Business

Option Premium

What is an Option Premium?

Option Pricing Theory

Option Pricing Theory - Exploring The Black-Scholes Model

Option Series

Investing in Option Series - What You Need to Know

Optionable Stock

Investing in Optionable Stocks: Benefits and Criteria


An Overview of Options Trading

Options Backdating

Options Backdating: An Unethical and Illegal Practice

Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)

The Options Clearing Corporation - Serving to Foster Healthy Functioning of the U.S. Derivatives Markets

Options Contract

Options Contract Trading: An Introduction

Options Industry Council (OIC)

Options Industry Council – Learn About Options Trading Benefits & Risks

Options on Futures

Trading Options on Futures: Understanding the Basics

Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA)

What is Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA)?

Oracle of Omaha

Warren Buffett: The Oracle of Omaha and His Successful Investing Strategies

Oral Contract

What Is an Oral Contract and How Is It Legally Enforceable?

Orange Book

What is the Orange Book, FDA's Comprehensive List of Approved Drugs?


What is an Order?

Order Audit Trail System (OATS)

The Order Audit Trail System (OATS) – A Regulatory Mechanism for Safeguarding Traders and Investors

Order Book

What is an Order Book?

Order Driven Market

Order-Driven Market – Price Transparency, Price Discovery & Efficiency

Order Imbalance

What is Order Imbalance?

Order Management Systems (OMS)

Order Management System: Automation of the Trading Process

Order Paper

What is an Order Paper?

Order Protection Rule

The Order Protection Rule: Protecting Investors from Trade-throughs and Internalization

Orderly Market

The Importance of Ordered Markets for Economic Growth

Ordinary and Necessary Expense (O&NE)

hat are Ordinary and Necessary Expenses?

Ordinary Annuity

Types of Annuities Explained: Ordinary vs Annuity Due

Ordinary Dividends

What is the Difference between Ordinary and Qualified Dividends?

Ordinary Income

Taxable Ordinary Income: Understanding Types and Tax Rates

Ordinary Loss

What is an Ordinary Loss?

Ordinary Shares of Stock

Ownership Rights and Benefits of Ordinary Shares of Stock

Organic Reserve Replacement

Understanding Organic Reserve Replacement for Energy Companies

Organic Sales

Organic Sales: A Closer Look

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

Overview of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States | OECS

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)

The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC: Understanding the World's Foremost International Oil and Gas Cartel

Organizational Behavior (OB)

What is Organizational Behavior?

Organizational Chart

What Are Organizational Charts and How Are They Used?

Organizational Economics

Organizational Economics: Analyzing Interactions, Evaluating Choices and Identifying Best Practices

Organizational Structure

What Is a Successful Organizational Structure?

Organized Labor

Understanding Organized Labor

Original Cost

Understanding Original Cost in Accounting

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

Benefits of Working with an Original Equipment Manufacturer

Original Face

What is Original Face in Mortgage-Backed Securities?

Original Issue Discount (OID)

Understanding the Risks of Original Issue Discount (OID) Bonds


The Mortgage Process – Origination and Loan Closing Explained

Origination Fee

Understand Origination Fees When Applying For a Loan

Origination Points

Understanding What Origination Points Mean for Mortgage Loans

Orphan Drug Credit

The Orphan Drug Credit: An Invaluable Source of Hope for Rare Disease Treatments


Oscillators in Technical Analysis: A Guide

Oscillator of a Moving Average (OsMA)

What is the Oscillator of a Moving Average (OsMA) | Technical Analysis Tool

Oslo Stock Exchange (OSL) .OL

Investing on the Oslo Stock Exchange

OTC Markets Group Inc.

OTC Markets Group Inc - Utilizing the OTC Link Platform for Securities Trading

OTC Options

What are OTC Options and What Are The Benefits of Trading Them?

OTC Pink

What is OTC Pink?


Enrolling in OTCQX: The Benefits and Requirements for Companies

Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting (OCBOA)

The Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting (OCBOA)

Other Current Assets (OCA)

What Are Other Current Assets?

Other Current Liabilities

Understanding Other Current Liabilities

Other Long-Term Liabilities

Understanding What Other Long-Term Liabilities Are

Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)

Understanding Other Post-Employment Benefits

Other Post-Retirement Benefits

What Are Other Post-Retirement Benefits?

Other Real Estate Owned (OREO)

Understanding Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) and its Investment Opportunities

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Out-of-Pocket Expenses - How to Save on Non-Reimbursed Expenses

Out-of-Pocket Limit

What are Out-Of-Pocket Limits in Health Insurance?

Out of The Money (OTM)

Out of the Money (OTM) Options Explained

Outcome Bias

Avoiding Outcome Bias in Decision Making

Outlay Cost

Understanding Outlay Costs and their Impact on Financial Statements


Outperform Definition: What is Outperform?


Outplacement: An Invaluable Tool For Employers & Employees

Output Gap

What is the Output Gap and Why Is It Important?

Outright Forward

Trading with Outright Forward: Understanding the Benefits

Outright Futures Position

Investing in an Outright Futures Position

Outright Option

Trading Outright Options - Leverage Your Portfolio and Obtain Increased Profits

Outside Days

Study how to Trade Outside Day Patterns

Outside Director

What is an Outside Director and the Role They Play

Outside Reversal

Spotting an Outside Reversal - A Two-Day Price Pattern

Outside Sales

What Is Outside Sales?


Outsourcing: A Guide to Considerations and Advantages

Outstanding Check

Outstanding Checks – What You Need to Know

Outward Arbitrage

Outward Arbitrage For Banks & Financial Institutions

Outward Direct Investment (ODI)

Outward Direct Investment (ODI): Benefits, Factors & Risks

Over-55 Home Sale Exemption

The Over-55 Home Sale Exemption and How It Was Replaced

Over and Short

What is Over and Short Accounting?


What is Over-Hedging and Why Is It Unrecommended?

Over-Limit Fee

Over-Limit Fees - What You Need to Know


Reaching Over-Line Coverage in Insurance Policies


Effects of Over-Selling and How to Avoid it

Over-the-Counter (OTC)

Over-the-counter (OTC) Securities - Exploring the Advantages & Risks

Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB)

Explore the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) and its Retirement

Over-the-Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI)

The Benefits of India's Leading Electronic Stock Exchange, OTCEI

Over-the-Counter Market

What is the Over-the-Counter Market?

Over the Top (OTT)

What is OTT and How it is Changing Media Consumption

Overall Liquidity Ratio

Overall Liquidity Ratio - How to Use and Monitor it

Overall Turnover

What is Overall Turnover and Why is it Important?


What is Overbought and How to Determine When a Security is Overbought


What is Overcapitalization and How Can it be Avoided?


Avoiding Overcasting in Financial Forecasting

Overcollateralization (OC)

Overcollateralization (OC): Benefits for Borrowers & Issuers of Asset-Backed Securities


Overdrafts: An Overview

Overdraft Protection

Understanding Overdraft Protection for Checking Accounts


What is Overextension and How Can It Be Avoided?


Avoiding Overfitting in Data Modeling

Overfunded Pension Plan

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Overfunded Pension Plan


What is Overhang and How to Evaluate it?


Understanding Overhead Costs in Business

Overhead Rate

How Overhead Rate Is Used To Evaluate Efficiency And Pricing Decisions

Overhead Ratio

Overhead Ratio - A Key Financial Indicator

Overheated Economy

Overheated Economy: Understanding Inflation and its Consequences

Overlapping Debt

Overlapping Debt - Its Risks and Benefits


Overlay Asset Management for Improved Portfolio Management


"What Is Overleveraged? | Advantages and Disadvantages"

Overnight Position

Overnight Positions - The Risks and Potential Returns

Overnight Index Swap

Understanding Overnight Index Swaps

Overnight Rate

What is the Overnight Rate?

Overnight Trading

Overnight Trading: Trading Stocks, Bonds and More


What is Overreaction in Financial Markets?

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)

OPIC: Facilitating Private Capital Investment in Emerging Markets


The Overshooting Economic Model Explained


What is an Oversold Asset?

Oversubscription Privilege

What is Oversubscription Privilege?


How to React to an Oversupply: Strategies to Avoid Negative Impact


What is Overtrading and How to Avoid It


How to Avoid Overvalued Stocks?


Overweight - What is it and How Can Investors Overweight an Asset/Sector?


What is Overwriting?

Own-Occupation Policy

Secure Your Financial Future with an Own-Occupation Insurance Policy

Owner Earnings Run Rate

Understanding Owner Earnings Run Rate (OERR)

Owner Financing

Owner Financing: Benefits for Buyers and Sellers


Homeownership for Owner-Occupants: The Benefits, Programs and Loans

Oxford Said Business School (SBS)

The Saïd Business School of Oxford University