The FBI has cautioned US citizens to be aware of the pig butchering cryptocurrency investment scam, which has been running rampant in the country lately. The scam results in victims being fooled into investing large amounts of money in fraudulent digital schemes, with scammers often targeting individuals by portraying a false romantic or personal connection.

In a recent case, a fraudster using the alias ‘Jenny’ misled an individual with the alias ‘JZ’ into losing over $2 million in cryptocurrency. Once victims place their trust in the scammer, they are encouraged to invest in a number of schemes before they can be allowed access to the funds or are permitted to withdraw their money. The victims are typically then told to pay fees, invest further or pay taxes in order to gain access to their account, before realising that they have been duped.

Upon realising the truth, victims of such a scam often have no more money left in their investments, as the fraudsters often continue to take all of the remaining funds until all money is depleted. The Justice Department has been actively trying to seize crypto-assets related to such fraud cases, with a number of search warrants being issued in Arizona, Idaho, and California.

Thus, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and dangers of such scams as they exist everywhere, and can deplete persons’ hard-earned money in no time. Individuals should be vigilant when investing, and should only carry out their investments when they know all the facts and consequences involved. Furthermore, online users should refrain from trusting any individuals that portray a falsely romantic or intimate connection, and should take the necessary steps to check the legitimacy of any investment options before blindly trusting.

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