Paco de la India is a true modern day adventurer. It may be hard to believe, but he's exploring the world using only Bitcoin (BTC). Through his experience travelling across 40 countries, Paco has gained an immense knowledge regarding the acceptance of cryptocurrency. He has experience of receiving donations through the bull market, but faced difficulties with contributions during the bear market.

It was during this period where he noticed that people tend to avoid BTC due to its volatility, and instead prefer stablecoins such as USDT. At the same time, he stated that adoption is happening gradually, but there is a need for improved cryptographic infrastructure to speed up the process.

The difficulty in spending his cryptocurrency was also increased due to regulatory uncertainty from a fundamental sponsor, Paxful, that had to be shut down for some time. But now the services have resumed, and in due course led Paco to the understanding that creating education around utilizing BTC for everyday activities is essential for the mass adoption of cryptocurrency. Furthermore, he has now set a goal to achieve this by establishing more communities and providing education through his mission.

Despite being risky, travelling the world with cryptocurrency definitely has its high points. As highlighted by Paco de la India, Bitcoin offers countless new opportunities, with its innovative features and unlimited possibilities. Although it has its fair share of pitfalls, it's still a delightful experience to explore all the different uses the asset can bring, whether it be gaming, investment, trades, donations, and even travelling. Ultimately, the more people understand BTC, the more ways they will find to integrate it into their lives.

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