Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the digital form of money issued by a country's central bank, designed to function as a legitimate form of tender. While these digital currencies are touted as the future of money and have the potential to significantly revolutionize the financial market, the impact of the CBDCs on the banking sector is complex.

On the one hand, CBDCs could be seen as a threat to traditional banks as they may provide a direct route between the central bank and the consumers, without requiring a bank for transfer. This could lead to a reduction in demand for bank accounts and other services.

However, it is important to note that the effects of CBDCs on the banking industry are not entirely clear. There is an argument that these digital currencies strengthening banks’ roles in the financial system.

No matter which argument one takes, it is unlikely that CBDCs will replace banks outright. Numerous obstacles are in the way and it is expected that traditional banking systems and these digital currencies will remain separate entities, offering consumers additional alternatives for holding and moving funds. While CBDCs can offer an alternative to traditional banking, their immediate impact is unlikely to be overly significant.

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