The Helium Network has completed its migration to the Solana blockchain, unlocking potential for exciting new features and capabilities. Solana, frequently referred to as one of the leading Ethereum 'killers', opens up avenues for faster transaction speeds and lower costs, in line with Helium's core mission of creating a highly scalable and reliable decentralized wireless network.

The migration has broadened the utility of the system, with faster speeds and a more efficient architecture enabling developers to build new applications, such as distributed finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), leveraging the network. NFTs minted by connected hotspots on the network will guarantee users additional recordkeeping and cost-effectiveness that they could not find elsewhere.

Helium's move to Solana has brought it into a vibrant community of innovators, all of whom have the potential to work together to help the network return tangible value to its users. Over 1 million hotspots have already been connected to the network since inception, and this number is expected to keep growing, creating a powerful long-term benefit for everyone involved and providing a reliable infrastructure for web 3.0.

The Helium Team is highly committed to improving user experience and is actively engaged in the development of new and improved features. The recent migration only reinforces their devotion to a highly secure, scalable, and resilient network. As such, the Helium Network is well poised to be at the forefront of innovation in 2021 and beyond.

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