Cardano, an open source decentralized public blockchain platform, has achieved considerable progress in terms of development. As reported by Essential Cardano, its weekly development report on October 6, reveals various activities undertaken by the network. Starting with the ledger team, it has formed a constitutional committee to regulate and manage the blockchain’s rules. In addition, features like treasury treasury management and compliance to current rules have become easier. It has also simplified the programming language to facilitate more efficient deployment of smart contracts and Plutus.

The Lace team provided users with the facility to keep track of their portfolio and has begun with an internal security review to better its services. The Plutus team improved Marconi API, a toolkit for developers, that facilitated testing of these tools with an optimized Cardano node emulator. Marlowe team has come up with Docker images for their software, as well as upgraded its performance features.

Cardano’s scalability dimension was improved with the introduction of Hydra; a new network layer. Associate security fixes have also been added. Moreover, GovTool was introduced to help in governance on Cardano network. This enabled token holders to exercise their voting power, thus giving the community better decision making authority.

Furthermore, selecting and onboarding projects for funding has been taken under card by Project Catalyst. Cardano education team not only offered Haskell courses, but collaborated with Marlowe to generate educational materials.

In a nutshell, Cardano recorded several milestone achievements. Its developed 146 projects and processed 76.1 million transactions. 8.93 million native tokens and approximately 10,079 Plutus scripts reassured its growth. Additionally, an all-time high of 1,288 projects are currently being developed on the platform. These achievements have set a benchmark in the cryptocurrency industry, thus showcasing Cardano’s potential.

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