
'Doom' Runs on Bitcoin, Dogecoin and ChatGPT—And Now in PDFs Too

A high school student named Ading2210 on GitHub has made it possible to play the classic video game Doom within a portable document format (PDF). Users can play the game in their Chromium-based browser using in-document buttons or keyboard controls. While the game plays in a pixelated monochrome image with no sound, the achievement lies in playing Doom in a PDF rather than the PDF format becoming a gaming platform. This is part of a running joke and technical challenge with Doom, with developers over the years managing to get the game running on various unconventional devices and platforms. The Reddit community r/ItRunsDoom is dedicated to showcasing these efforts. The creator of the Doom PDF shared how they achieved this feat using Javascript support in PDFs and a modified version of the game code.

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