The Austin-based venture capital firm Trammell Venture Partners (TVP) has recently released the venture industry's first Bitcoin-native startup ecosystem research. TVP launched the venture industry's first dedicated Bitcoin-native fund series in 2021 and the study found that Bitcoin has seen a year-over-year growth of 52.9% in terms of venture capital. Even though Bitcoin holds the market capitalization dominance, only 1.3% of invested capital went to Bitcoin startups in 2022 which demonstrates the need for institutional venture capital for Bitcoin-focused entrepreneurs.

This week, Christopher Calicott, the firm's managing director and founding partner, stated that “Bitcoin is quickly becoming an influential platform”. The press release mentioned that the technical development of Bitcoin Core has been done with caution and the growth of the Bitcoin startup has begun to rise in the last two years. This is due to the introduction of technologies such as SegWit and Taproot which allowed the launch of the Lightning Network.

The research brief published by TVP can be found on their website and it includes their goals of institutionalizing venture investments for Bitcoin startups which will help in better allocation of capital. This research brief is one of the many steps taken by TVP to promote growth in the industry by providing more information about Bitcoin startups.

The goal of TVP is to back entrepreneurs trying to build the Bitcoin-native infrastructure for the future. The research brief contains a detailed overview of the opportunities present in the industry as well as other related topics. It aims to improve the quality of venture capital deals by informing venture capitalists and founders of the potentials in the Bitcoin-native startup ecosystem.

The focus of the research brief is to better allocate venture capital and discover new opportunities in the industry. It provides a deep dive into the state of venture capital for existing and new players in the space. TVP's research could provide vital information that would be useful for entrepreneurs seeking capital for their ventures and institutional players looking for new investment opportunities.

The research paper released by TVP could be the launching pad for further research and discoveries that could act as the infrastructure for Bitcoin startups. It could also spiral into a broader network of venture capital for the industry and create a pathway for more investments. This could open up a world of possibilities for entrepreneurs in the field and create new business models in the industry.

Overall, the study released by TVP could potential become a catalyst for further development in the industry. It could provide valuable insights that could create more business opportunities. This serves as a positive sign for the overall growth in the Bitcoin-native startup ecosystem.

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