Starknet takes aim at bringing performance to the Ethereum blockchain with a range of upgrades over the next few months. These include improving its throughput by a factor of 10 with cost levels a tenth of Ethereum's mainnet. The company has already achieved impressive results as evident in their collaboration with dYdX with 54 transactions per second compared to the average of 10-12 on Ethereum. Furthermore, they are working towards reducing the transaction costs by leveraging off-chain data availability, with Ethereum's in-development proposal 'Proto-Danksharding EIP-4844' which will introduce 'blobs' capable of carrying binary large objects. In addition, Starknet is looking to deliver faster finality to the network by introducing a fee market to prioritize their resources in accordance to the user's willingness to pay for transactions, which is a market system. Layer-2 blockchain protocols have been a prominent topic, recently bringing major performance improvements to a variety of projects and services operating exclusively in the Ethereum blockchain, of which Starknet are a stellar example.

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