It is evident that Ripple is taking steps to support the XRP price. This is evidenced by the fact that the firm is limiting the number of tokens it releases from its escrow wallets every month. Bill Morgan, a renowned pro-XRP lawyer, believes that this move is a deliberate effort on Ripple's part to maintain XRP's value and manage the firm's ongoing legal battle with the US regulator. According to Julian Williams, another user within the XRP community, limiting the sales of XRP serves a dual purpose of both maintaining XRP value and gaining revenue which supports the infrastructure behind Ripple's On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) service. This is further backed up by various reports which have revealed Ripple's XRP portfolio. Ripple's total spendable XRP holdings come out to around 5.50 billion and the amount of XRP held in the escrow wallets is estimated to be around 41.9 billion. It is clear that Ripple's strategy of limiting XRP sales is beneficial to the long term success of the digital asset and investors should have faith in its motive.

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