The PancakeSwap's Proposal for CAKE Tokenomics v2.5 has been approved by the community following a vote. This proposal was revised to address the feedback from the community, as it was understood that the current inflation rate of CAKE was unsustainable for the long term and changes are essential for the health of PancakeSwap. People had raised concerns that those which had recently begun staking were the most affected by these reductions, even though they too acknowledged the advantages of lowering CAKE inflation.

The PancakeSwap proposal provided two choices to its community in order to tackle this issue. The two options provided were based on the principle of a moderate reduction in the overall inflation of CAKE, with a staged reduction in future CAKE Syrup Pool emissions. This delivers a clear view to present and future stakers of the emissions and staking Annual Percentage Rate (APR). The APR of the Syrup Pool is still viable relative to other Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) at the end of the reduction period.

The implementation of the revenue sharing elements, and an increase of the CAKE weightage for longer-term stakers will take place at the conclusion of June. Product benefits to CAKE stakers and other product details will be announced taking into account the product timelines. It is important to note that this information should only be used as general market commentary, and it is advised to do your own research before investing.

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