David Maisel, the creative force behind Marvel Studios, recently launched his own NFT project, Mythos Studios, which launched the Ekos Genesis Art Collection built on his original artwork. In his opinion, the same spirit of Marvel Studios' early days of independence and self-funding is shared by Web3 digital art. Maisel believes art has the power to break through distractions and digital art allows the art to be shared worldwide. And while the NFT market has been turbulent during the past six months, Maisel argues it’s the underlying value of art that goes beyond the prices. He will be kicking off a Dutch auction for Mythos Studios’ Ekos Genesis Art Collection on May 2nd.

Maisel mentioned his hopes with the Ekos Genesis Art Collection and the NFT market that goes with it, “I hope this shows a vote of confidence from someone who hasn't been in the space. I really want to share this art and the possibilities around it.” As a Visionary and veteran in the traditional art scene, Maisel has insight into the underlying value in art and its role in culture. He comments on the same underlying passion shared by his Marvel Experiences and the current NFT art scene, “The question why comes from the same seed that was in me for Marvel, I don't think I could do [Web3] if I didn't have that same passion.”

The NFT market has been turbulent during the past six months, however, Maisel has proven his commitment to the space and the ongoing potential of digital art. This commitment is expressed through his career and now his work in NFTs. Maisel expressed his joy in the ability to share digital art, “You don't have to just go to the museum or go to somebody's home.” His joy isn’t unique, millions of people around the world are discovering the potential for creating, collecting, and curating digital art.

David Maisel showed his passion for digital art through his belief in the power of art to break through the distractions and noise in our lives, “In our life there are so many pulls on our time, so many distractions, that for something new to break through … there needs to be a visual identity to it and a primal feeling from it. And art does that for me.” Maisel is proof of the immense potential in Web3 and NFT projects. For all those who are looking to join the NFT movement, Maisel will be kicking off his auction for Mythos Studios, Ekos Genesis Art Collection on May 2nd.

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