Bitcoin investors have seen their numbers swell drunkenly since 2017, due in large part to the widespread presence of crypto marketing campaigns. However, the arrival a Bitcoin ETF means there is now a clear and trusted entry point for people to join the cryptocurrency landscape. Swan Bitcoin CEO Cory Klippsten believes that the adoption of a Bitcoin ETF does away with loud and flashy marketing involving crypto, replacing them with an easy to understand approach that rather than acting as a get-rich-quick incentive, provides an educative approach accessible to everyone. During an interview, Klippsten described Bitcoin ETFs as a great and IOU backed entry point for people to both learn and explore Bitcoin on a deeper level. Furthermore, with January 8th, 9th or 10th having been widely touted as the window for the approval of Bitcoin ETFs, it appears that people now have a trusted and secure way to join the Bitcoin revolution.

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