Cryptocurrency investments can be a nerve-wracking experience as their values are volatile and getting back any losses can be difficult. However,crypto analyst Michael van de Poppe reassures investors that losses are usually short-term and can be erased in a few weeks with good judgment and difficultly holding one's nerve when making investment decisions. Currently, Chainlink (LINK) stands firmly at $15.36 with a 23.07% gain in a period of 7 days. This has lead to much speculation in terms of which altcoins are supposed to witness any price swings. Market capitalization rankings between 150 and 300 will be probed to try and gain a profitable outcome.

One such altcoin, PENDLE, noted a significant jump in price since August, culminating into a high of $1.07 today. Alongside PENDLE, many other meme coins and altcoins have also emerged on the market and have become highly sought after for their potentially successful investments. Investors should be cautious when investing as the values of these cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable and a well-informed decision should always be made.

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