Ben Armstrong, an influencer in the cryptocurrency scene, recently took to Twitter to express his views that most meme coins, apart from possibly DOGE, will eventually hit zero. He referred to the current buying cycle of these coins as "hot potato." Armstrong advised his followers to take profits on their investments with meme coins regularly.

The crypto expert also revealed he had rolled over part of his profits from GENSLR and POOH to DINO - his first time engaging in risky, speculative cryptocurrency investing that is referred to as “degen”. Both GENSLR and POOH experienced significant increases in price, with the former seeing a growth of over 200% and the latter a 96% rise in the 24 hour period between May 5th and 6th 2023.

Despite these extraordinary growths, it is important to bear in mind that meme coins are notorious for their volatility and can experience extreme drops in market value. As such, getting in and out quickly can bring significant profits, but these risks must be taken into consideration.

CoinMarketCap's data indicates that DINO has not yet entered a significant rise in value so far, showing only a 3.1% growth in the last 24 hours. However it has a relatively low market cap of $234,115 and has a growing support base which suggests it could have the potential to see a dramatic increase in the future.

For those investing in meme coins, it is advised that, while they can provide excellent returns, they should Monitor the markets carefully and take profits when appropriate. By following Ben Armstrong's advice, investors can avoid being stuck with coins that eventually may have no value.

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