Bitcoin ATM users in Argentina and El Salvador are now able to use the Bitcoin Lightning Network in their ATMs to buy and sell BTC, thanks to Athena Bitcoin's integration project in the Latin American region. Fees for withdrawing in ARS have been reported to be just around 4 Satoshi (around $0.0015), which shows the significant savings of using the Lightning Network compared to the typical fees of conventional BTC transactions. Adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptos are rising in Argentina due to the uncertainty surrounding the state of the national currency, the peso, and the upcoming election run-off where the peso's future will be determined. Both presidential candidates have shown eagerness in moving into the crypto and BTC spaces, with one proposing to launch an Argentinean CBDC and the other looking to dollarize the Argentine economy. With the introduction of the Lightning Network and each candidate's enthusiasm towards Bitcoin, the space for cryptocurrencies in Argentina looks set to expand further.

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