The Oslo Stock Exchange (OSL) is Norway’s primary stock exchange. It has played an essential role in the development of the country’s capital markets since its inception in 1819, enabling companies to raise capital and investors to benefit from potential growth in company value. Oslo Børs, as it is sometimes referred to, is a fully automated securities exchange and the only such exchange regulated by the Norwegian authorities.

As the largest listed companies exchange in the country, the OSL provides a liquid, efficient and cost-efficient platform for trading of both Norwegian and foreign equities and bonds. Today the exchange lists over 800 different securities representing more than 450 issuers from about 30 countries, including Norway.The OSL is one of the youngest members of the global exchange industry, having been privatized in 2001 as part of the governmental liberalization of the Norwegian capital market.In 2019, it was acquired by Euronext, a pan-European exchange operator and the largest stock exchange in Europe.

The Oslo Stock Exchange facilitates the trading of a range of different equity, debt and derivative instruments. Trading is predominantly electronic through various platforms.The Exchange also offers fixed income products, including bonds, money-market instruments and structured bonds listed on the exchange. It also offers ETF listings and a range of Swedish, US, UK and European exchanges. Furthermore, the exchange offers trading in bonds and derivatives including futures, options, commodities and currencies, allowing access to a wide range of international markets.

The Exchange actively encourages international presence, welcoming foreign companies to list their securities on the exchange. The attraction is largely due to the favorable regulatory environment provided by the Norwegian government, which is known for promoting free and fair competition. This along with the high liquidity and transparent markets on the exchange, has enabled the Oslo Stock Exchange to remain a highly regarded market.

Today, the Oslo Stock Exchange provides a platform for Norwegian companies from various industries to issue and trade equity, debt and derivative instruments, enabling them to raise capital to meet their goals and objectives. This, in turn, provides investors with opportunities to benefit from the potential growthin the value of the securities listed on OSL.