Open is a term used to describe when a product, technology, or source code is publicly available and can be used by anyone. Open software is created publicly so that it can be reviewed and tested by a larger audience of users than just the developers. It can also be modified or re-distributed by anyone without needing to be concerned with usage restrictions or licensing.

Open source can be broken down into two main components; software that is released under an open source license, and software with open source code. Open source licenses are a type of license that lets people use, modify, and share open source products. They guarantee that the user will always have access to the source code, the ability to use it, and the freedom to modify or redistribute the original work however they wish.

Open source code, on the other hand, refers to the code of an open source product. This code can be freely accessed, changed, and redistributed. While the original version of a product may have started as proprietary code, it can be shared as open source code once it is released. This allows users to collaborate and improve upon the product – something that is almost impossible to do with proprietary software.

Open source technology is everywhere – from the most basic of websites to the most complex app. Whether it’s the server used to power a website or the advanced software used to analyse large data sets, open source versions of most software can be found on the web. This is because of the advantages open source technology has; it has led to better collaboration and more secure products, as developers can quickly spot and fix any flaws with the code.

Open source has become a staple of the technology world, and has revolutionized how people develop and share software. By having access to open source code, as well as the ability to customize and alter it, developers are able to innovate more easily and quickly. Whether it's in the form of an open source application, library, or code, open source has made technology more accessible and transparent for all.