
PancakeSwap Launches AI-Powered Prediction Bot on Telegram

PancakeSwap Launches AI-Powered Prediction Bot on Telegram
PancakeSwap has introduced an AI-powered Prediction Bot on Telegram, allowing users to predict price movements on the BNB Chain. The bot is built on the Allora Network's machine-learning model and users can choose to either follow or bet against the AI's predictions. If the prediction is correct, users can collect their share of the prize pool. The bot currently supports predictions on BNB with a minimum bet size of 0.00001 ETH. A 3% fee from each round goes to the PancakeSwap treasury for development and marketing purposes. The bot will expand to support other tokens and chains in the future. However, users should be cautious as the AI's accuracy is currently at 65% and predictions in the crypto market are not guaranteed.

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