
Bitcoin’s history of bull market drawdowns

This article discusses the price corrections that occur during bull markets in Bitcoin. While Bitcoin has a history of experiencing significant drawdowns of around 80% from peak to trough during bear markets, this article focuses on corrections within bull markets. The charts provided show the percentage differences in price across different timeframes during bull markets. The article highlights that during the bull market between August 2015 and December 2017, there were no drawdowns of 50% or more. However, during the subsequent bull market from 2018 to 2021, there were three corrections of over 50%, including the significant drop during the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. The article mentions that the current bull market has seen milder corrections, with the largest being a 30% drop in August 2021. The article concludes by stating that while Bitcoin remains volatile, the longer it goes without a significant drawdown, the more concerning it becomes.

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