
Updates on Shibarium's Layer-2 Solution

Kusama, the pseudonymous lead developer of Shiba Inu, recently shared a comforting update to all Shibarium enthusiasts, saying that the Layer-2 solution for their cryptocurrency is in “go mode”. Kusama’s comment was made in the official Telegram group, after a anticipation of a Medium blog update from the development task force. The developer, who has adopted the use of metaphors to explain his vision with the community, made the remark in response to the community’s request for more news regarding the progress of the network.

The statement was met with much enthusiasm from the members of the Telegram group, gaining over 70 positive reactions from Shibarium’s supporters.

Presently the stats on PuppyNet, the Beta version of Shibarium, are impressive; in the span of a month, the network is already boasting 14.07 million unique connected addresses, with 4.69 Million transactions made. Despite this, the team has yet to announce an official mainnet launch date, as they are still working out the kinks and debugging the network before the launch.

Overall, Kusama’s remark encourages the community by ensuring them that the development task force is hard at work and making great progress. The L2 solution is certainly something to look forward to, with the hopes that exchanging tokens through layer-2 networks will bring a new level of scalability to the crypto ecosystem.

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