
New Antelope Leap Version Enhances EOS Performance

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) has released the new version of its node software, Antelope Leap v4.0.0, which is designed to optimize the data handling processes of various EOS-like blockchains. This new release introduces multi-threaded processing of state history plugin client requests, which can parallelize read-only transaction execution for improved overall node performance. Furthermore, it reduces the time for new blocks to propagate across the network and results in lower confirmation times and improved system performance. As well as this, this version of Antelope offers increased visibility of blockchain operations and makes transactions more transparent.

The results of v4.0.0 of Antelope proves the continuous steps taken by the EOS Network Foundation to reach technical superiority. The CEO of the organisation mentioned that the project is still in its early stages, but with v4.0.0 the team have achieved faster block propagations, reduced latency, improved system performance, and better visibility of operation.

In the first and second quarter of 2023, the EOS Network went further by establishing a seamless compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) which allows a two-way connectivity between the two networks. This improved cross-chain bridges will allow for more practical and efficient data sharing between the two systems, and further benefit EOS’s goal of technical mastery in its industry.

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