
Omni Network – Reinventing Ethereum Layer 2 Ecosystem

Cryptocurrency has seen substantial growth in the past few years, and this trend is likely to continue. Among the variety of development projects that have been taken on by blockchain firms, one of the most exciting is Recursive’s launch of the Omni Network. This new addition to the Ethereum Layer 2 ecosystem aims to provide an efficient system of communication between rollups like Optimism, Arbitrum, zkSync, and Starkware.

The purpose of the Omni Network is to allow users to securely interact between different rollups while facilitating the use of cross-rollup stablecoins and other DeFi primitives. The network will allow users to make transactions on protocols that are integrated with it while validators observe and subsequently relay the message to the relevant rollup. Through this advanced technology, developers will be presented with numerous advantages, prominent among them being the ability to access a much wider market. This could allow projects to achieve much higher levels of liquidity aggregation across rollups.

Recursive is planning to launch the public testnet for the Omni Network in the third quarter of 2023 and a mainnet launch the following year. The firm will partner with several major rollup players including Arbitrum, Polygon's zkEVM, Scroll, ConsenSys’s Linea, and Starkware to launch the first version of the platform. In addition, Omni will build upon the EigenLayer blockchain protocol to ensure its critical cybersecurity needs.

The Omni Network is being created by Recursive, who are a blockchain development firm that have been raising funds from investors like Pantera and Two Sigma since 2022. The firm has been spearheaded by Austin King, who has plenty of experience in the cryptocurrency sector. Before becoming co-founder of Recursive, Austin led Strata Labs, a crypto payments project that was acquired by Ripple in 2019. With this wealth of experience and technology, Recursive will be sure to produce some exciting results in the next few years.

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