• -The usage of Hedera network applications, created by the HBAR Foundation, continues to increase.
  • -According to the statements, the most important goal of the Hedera network by the HBAR Foundation is to realize a development fund worth 155 million US dollars.

According to the explanations, plans and actions have been made for the development fund.  Because of the statements from the foundation, some situations were explained in detail in the announcement made on Tuesday. It has also been observed that Hedera continues to work focused on increasing accessibility within and within the network. It is also stated that this fund, which wants to carry out a more comprehensive study on this subject and is called the Crypto Economy Fund, will also focus on the rapid growth of the HBAR economy.

Announcements About Hedera’s Fund Purposes Continue to Publish!

Hedera’s published announcement continues to reach the masses and people via email. Details of the content of the announcement are given below:

  • -Plans are being made to create efficiency opportunities according to the explanations in the e-mail.
  • -It has also been announced that fiat-onramps priority-oriented works will continue to be realized, along with some opportunities, as well as mobile and credit card options.

It is also stated that 60 million US dollars from the capital of the fund determined by the organization will go to some places. One such place is decentralized currency liquidity rewards. They also added that in addition to these awards, they will go further for the development of DeFi protocols.

  • -With the new launch of the fund, it has also been determined that the first buyer is the project called liquid staking for the Hedera token. While this project is called Stader Labs, it is also intended to enable them to use it as collateral for other opportunities. As stated at the end of the foundation’s statements, it was stated that Stader had reached 820 million US dollars in November with the start of the project in 2021. It also stands out as a decentralized public network for Hedera developers to build applications with real-time consensus.

According to its market value, HBAR takes its place in 38th place with an increase of 17% in one week. HBAR, which maintains its place according to the Coingecko ranking, has realized a decrease of approximately 28% with the decrease it has experienced during the year.

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